Speech therapy
How many times have you wondered about the progress of speech development of your child or one of your loved ones.
We often hear concerns of this nature:
- My child does not speak “properly”
- My kid is 7 years old and can’t properly pronounce “r” or other particular sounds
- My child still is not verbal. Will he ever be able to talk?
- My nephew has a very rich vocabulary but is not always willing to communicate.
- I always stutter when I try to speak in front of people.
- Why did my son speak so much later than his sibling?
- My child isn’t verbal, how can he learn to communicate with other people?
Speech and communication play a vital role in social life, in cognitive ability and the development of psychological and emotional development of all humans. The process of communication development begins in the beginning of each person’s life. Many factors, however, may cause deviations or delays in the progress (i.e. genetics, hearing disabilities, developmental disorders etc.)
If there is any concern or question about the development of speech in a person you care about it would be of immense help to talk to a speech therapist.

Speech therapy is the science that deals with the prevention, evaluation, diagnosis, treatment and scientific study of communication disorders in children and adults.
- Speech (oral-written, expressive – descriptive)
- Talking
- Voice
- Eating and swallowing
- Communication
Novel therapy and consulting unit “Praxis” has a speech therapy department, staffed with therapist that are able to assist with talking, speech and communication playing a diagnostic, therapeutic and consulting role.
These interventions and rehabilitation sessions can take place with children, teenagers and adults.
Speech and speech development delay.
- Διάχυτη αναπτυξιακή διαταραχή
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Διαταραχή ελλειμματικής προσοχής ή και υπερκινητικότητα
- dyslexia
- Learning difficulties
- Language expression disorder.
- Hearing / deafness
- Articular disorders
- Voice disorders
- Speech and speech development delay
- Speech flow disorders (stuttering)
- Cluttering
- Voice disorders
- Σχιστίες
- Mental retardation
- Syndromes.
- Cerebral Palsy
- Dysarthria
- dyspraxia
- Διαταραχές κατάποσης
- Diet disorder
- Aphasia

Accurate and reliable diagnostic tests, differential diagnosis and speech evaluation are being implemented. All session are personalized and are formulated according to the different characteristics and needs of each person. Even in cases where communication cannot be further developed, speech therapists help children discover and utilize alternative, augmented communication systems (PECS, MAKATON)
There is intersectoral cooperation with all the relevant specialties for the complete, holistic approach to helping the disorder. There is also constant communication with the family of the child in order to let them know for the progress of the therapy process.

The term “speech” or “language” is the common system of sounds and concepts that every human society uses to communicate. It refers to our ability to use words or sentences of a particular structure and form so that we can be understood as well as understand the messages of others.
The term “speech” or “language” is the common system of sounds and concepts that every human society uses to communicate. It refers to our ability to use words or sentences of a particular structure and form so that we can be understood as well as understand the messages of others.
What is speech?
Speech refers to the use of speech by each individual in the language community. The concept of speech includes our ability to produce sounds and combinations thereof. It is the means of transmitting speech to our fellow human beings. Speech has three sub-functions: articulation, vocalization, and flow.
What is communication
Communication is symbolic contact between individuals. It may be verbal or non-verbal. It is carried out by various means, such as with our hand movements, with sounds, with meanings, with visual signals, with grimaces.
Does my child need speech therapy?
Below are the main stages of language development
When does a child need speech therapy?
Depending on the age, a child or infant may show signs of needing (or perhaps that it will need in the future) speech therapy.
If it displays:
- Breastfeeding difficulties·
- Difficulties in chewing food
- Often signs of choking
- Unusually high or low voice tone
- Harshness in his/her voice that persists
- Difficulties in understanding the oral speech
- Difficulty executing orders
- Difficulty learning new vocabulary
- Difficulty finding appropriate words
- Difficulty in forming sentences
- Difficulty in mimicking sounds
- Difficulty in starting or keeping a conversation
- Δυσκολία στην άρθρωση
- Editorial, grammatical or morphological errors (e.g. wrong use of tenses
- Difficulty in referring to the past and future tenses
- Difficulty in reading and comprehension of written text
- Difficulty in spelling
Tips to enhance your child's speech:·
- Imitate the sounds produced by the baby
- You talk to your children simply and clearly
- Make time to communicate
- Read stories and fairy tales
- Play word and communication games
- Learn new vocabulary through everyday activities
- Learn songs and poems (if they are of an appropriate age)
- Remember that every child is unique and grows at its own pace